Admin Module
1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total services, total clients, total today’s sales, total yesterday’s sales, last seven day’s sales, and total sales.
2. Services: In this section, admin can manage services (Add/Update).
3. Add Clients: In this section, admin can add new clients
4. Clients List: In this section, admin can update the client details and add services that are provided by the admin.
5. Invoices: In this section, admin can view the invoices of the client and also take print of the invoice.
6. Reports: In this section, admin can view the client’s details and check the sales reports(month-wise/year wise) in a particular period.
7. Search Invoice: In this section, admin can search for clients’ invoices with the help of his/her invoice number.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
Client Module
1. Dashboard: It is a welcome page for a client.
2. Invoices: In this section, client can view the invoices of the client and also take print of the invoice.
3. Search Invoice: In this section, client can search his/her invoice with the help of the invoice number.
The client can also update his/her profile, change the password and recover the password.
Type of Service
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