- Comprehensive online documentation (French and English).
- Notifications by e-mail (requested, accepted, rejected and new user).
- Leave request approval workflow (1 validator).
- Overtime request approval workflow (1 validator).
- Leave balance report (filtered by department).
- Monthly presence report.
- Export to XLSX (Excel, LibreOffice) in a click (almost all pages of the application).
- HR users can edit any leave or overtime request.
- Set your own contracts and leave types.
- Calendars of leaves (individual, team, collaborators, etc.).
- Describe your organization in a tree structure and attach employees to entities, define a supervisor per entity.
- Non working days (weekends and day offs) can be defined on a contract so as to automatically calculate the duration of a leave and to display them in the calendar.
Admin panel
Employee leave application
Admin Approval / rejected
Employee leave application
Admin Approval / rejected
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